Address: 333 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 2000, Miami, FL 33131

Residential Security Services


Residential security services is one of our premier services, where we make your community’s security and safety, are our utmost priority. Our comprehensive security solutions are designed to protect your home and community to enhance your quality of life, featuring Gatehouse Access Control, Visitor Screening, Parking Lot Surveillance, and Community Mobile Patrols.

At the gatehouse, our professional security personnel ensure stringent access control, meticulously verifying each visitor to safeguard your community. Our Visitor Screening processes are thorough yet efficient, balancing security with convenience for residents and their guests.

Parking lot surveillance and monitoring are key components of our services, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring the safety of vehicles. Our mobile patrols provide a continuous, visible security presence, swiftly addressing any concerns and maintaining peace of mind for all residents.

We pride ourselves on delivering excellent service with friendly, approachable security officers dedicated to maintaining a secure and welcoming environment.

Residential Security Services


Empire Security Services
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