Address: 333 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 2000, Miami, FL 33131

OSLLE Webinar Series
Fri, 01/10/2025 – 14:20

The Office for State and Local Law Enforcement (OSLLE) hosts a webinar series to share current/contemporary information and resources on relevant homeland security topics for state, local, tribal, territorial, and campus (SLTTC) law enforcement. These webinars provide a forum for discussion and include briefings from DHS and other partners, to include SLTTC law enforcement agencies to ensure that the non-federal perspective is also being incorporated into these discussions. To enhance the effectiveness of the webinars, OSLLE pairs them with useful and timely resources, such as fact sheets, intel products, educational videos, best practices, bulletins, alerts, etc. These resources can include newly created materials being rolled out at or around the time of the webinar. All of our webinars and resources are archived through the Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN) OSLLE Partner Page found on the HSIN Community of Interest (COI).

If you do not have access to HSIN, please visit the HSIN website for registration information. HSIN is a platform used to safely share Sensitive but Unclassified information, amongst Federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, international, campus, and private sector homeland security partners. Cleared law enforcement professionals may request access to one of a number of HSIN COI.  

​To receive invitations for future webinars, please sign up here

Past Webinar Topics Include:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • CBRN Webinar
  • Election Security
  • Organized Theft Group
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