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Inverted Cylinder Hydrostatic Ventilator
Tue, 07/30/2024 – 11:03


A low-cost, portable, and easily-assembled ventilator to safely deliver humidified and decontaminated breathing air to patients.

Ventilation machines provide breathing support for patients by delivering breathable air into and out of patients’ lungs. High demand for ventilators during the COVID-19 pandemic stressed healthcare systems and highlighted insufficient ventilator availability during patient surges. Manufacturing and maintaining ventilators can be time-consuming and expensive, especially in low-resource areas. Supply chain constraints and the limited availability of ventilator components can also inhibit maintenance and impact patient access.

To address these challenges, researchers at the US Coast Guard (USCG) invented the Inverted Cylinder Hydrostatic Ventilator (ICHV) – a low-cost, portable, and easy-to-operate ventilator that provides positive air pressure and delivers warm, humidified, and decontaminated breathing air to patients. The design of ICHV is easy to build with inexpensive, available materials and requires minimal electronics, making it ideal for use in remote locations or patient surges. In addition, the ventilator’s controller and adjustable delivery methods allow for proper and individualized care for patients’ specific needs.

Technology Category
Emergency Prevention & Response

Stage of Development

Bryson Jacobs
Savannah Lyle

US Patent number
US11,033,706; US11,197,972; US11,364,360; US11,559,655

Partnerships Sought

DHS Component
U.S. Coast Guard

Contact Information

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DHS Patented Technologies


Science and Technology


Science and Technology

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